Machinery Descaling System

Scaling is the biggest problem affecting the heat transfer machine efficiency

Chemical washing method and high pressure pump cleaning process

Total team - 20 no’s all people well experience

Descaling is a metal cleaning process that removes unwanted surface deposits on metals to provide a smooth surface finish and is a part of the pre-finishing processes which include cleaning, stripping and pickling. Of these processes cleaning and pickling are used for scale removalacetic acid, citric acid, glycolic acid, formic acid, lactic acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. The calcium salts are soluble and thus washed away during dissolution or Solvation.
  Rubber processing has a bizarre energy pattern, when seen from a layman’s perspective. Because you add heat into your process and then you cool down!Heat addition and removal is repeated in each of your subsequent stages as well.When you process rubber, energy is consumed across the value chain – right from transport of raw rubber, to the various processing operations (be it rubber, mixing, extrusionrubber calenderingmoulding etc) to convert into your suitable product and then transportation of your product.
This implies that you need to cool down your rubber processing machinery regularly, which simultaneously involves heat exchange from a hot medium to a cooler medium.
where there’s water, you will face water-related problems caused by its mineral deposits. These deposits could give you varying degrees of water-related problems that affect your operating efficiencies and/or even leading to more costly equipment downtime issues.
This could be in your Rubber Machinery like Mixer, Mixing Mill Rolls, Calender Rolls, Press, Extruder, Heat Exchangers, Moulds, and factory equipment like Boilers, Chillers, Compressors, and TCU‘s or other Ancillary Units, etc.
You would notice that the mineral deposits accumulate quickly regardless of screens or treatment actions adopted. Even a thin coating of water scale will act to insulate the water system’s surface and retard the transfer of heat.Hence, scaling is the biggest problem affecting the heat transfer efficiency in rubber machinery.
To increase heat transfer efficiency, lower maintenance cost, conserve overall energy consumption and thus enhance the usable life of your machinery, removing scales in all your water-cooled or water-heated rubber and tyre equipment is very important.
In a simple rubber machinery like the mixing mill, the presence of scales on rolls leads to localized hot spots affecting your mixing quality. In the case of boilers, scales can be very damaging leading to even boiler rupture. When water scale, lime and rust deposits accumulate on the water side of chambers, rotors and the drop door of the Mixer, it causes temperature of your rubber stock to rise and gradually lead to a loss in production.
Different machinery has different safe and effective method to remove scales. Recently, I was shown an instruction sheet, from one of the descales (RYDLYME), on the process to descale a rubber mixer that I found interesting.
Here’s the process reproduced. I hope you too find it informative.
We offer installation & commissioning support for all our machines. Our engineers & fitters are highly competent & experienced to make installation & commissioning a smooth affair. Our experienced supervisors will support you at every step during installation of machines. Machines are thoroughly inspected & complete in all respects requiring less time to install/commission the machines.
 We can also offer complete electrical system installation & commissioning through our partners.
 We take pride in the fact our after sales support is second to none. Our engineers are at your call to help you in trouble shooting of problems.
In case of major plant breakdowns, our service person will be available at your place as soon as possible.



Scale is an unwanted material that accumulates onto the internal surfaces of a heat exchanger — this deposition is otherwise known as fouling. If untreated, fouling will harden and prevent the system from operating at its intended, energy-efficient state.

Periodic heat exchanger cleanings are essential because scale formation can quickly result in overheating, tube failures, increased energy consumption and a rise in operational costs. Scale may even corrode equipment if left without proper care, requiring intensive repairs or total replacement to correct.

Scaling and fouling will increase the system’s resistance to heat transfer, which is undesirable for water heating and cooling equipment. Even thin layers of scale will create effective insulation since the percentage of energy required to heat or cool the water increases as scale buildup does

  • Chiller evaporator coil -chemical method
  • Thermal power plant – chemical method (tank process method)
  • High pressure pump- removed the scale heat exchanger (tyre industries)
  • Chiller plant – evaporator coil – medical industries
    (Tool head cutter to clean the inside tube working high pressure pump)

Chiller Evaporator Coil -Chemical Method

Thermal power plant – chemical method (tank process method)

High pressure pump- removed the scale heat exchanger (tyre industries)

Chiller plant – evaporator coil – medical industries (Tool head cutter to clean the inside tube working high pressure pump)

High pressure pump

Plate heat exchanger

industrial boiler –condensr-evaporator-heat exchanger-tube- cleaners-services

heat exchanger

industrial boiler –condensr-evaporator-heat exchanger-tube- cleaners-services

  1. chemical  manufacturers industries
  2. food  manufacturers industries
  3. auto compount manufacturers industries
  4. automobiles manufacturers industries
  5. cement manufacturers industries
  6. oil and gas manufacturers industries
  7. textiles manufacturers industries
  8. abrasive manufacturers industries
  9. hose manufacturers industries
  10. tyre manufacturers industries

Factory Manufacturing units

  • M.V. hydro Engineering work (No; 12, shop no; 3, A.J.complex ,Zion street, thiruveethi Amman koil street, mannurpet ,padi, Chennai -600050)
  • M.V. hydro – seal manufacturing and Industrial Spares Manufacturing & Trading Company (NO 1/1, Anna salai cross street, erukkanchery, Chennai -600118.)

Machinery Service Station

MV Hydro Industries,
182, Gangaiyaamman Kovil Street,
Kuthambakkam Post ,

Head office

MV Hydro Industries,
182, Gangaiyaamman Kovil Street,
Kuthambakkam Post ,
(near poonamallee)

copyright © mvc hydro industries

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